About 2 years ago on one fine Saturday morning, my mum wanted to get to Lagos Island. So being the considerate son I am I volunteered to drive her there. As fate would have it I remembered I needed to withdraw some cash from any available ATM before coming back from our destination. I parked my car and asked my mum if she wanted to wait while I joined a small queue at a nearby ATM round the corner. Her preference however was to wait outside the car but 5 minutes later something terrible happened…
The ‘Stephen King’ version of what happened:
The last image Jollof had of his mum was of her standing on the pedestrian pavement a few feet away from his car. He walked into the ATM kiosk area where two people were ahead of him. He had no idea that while he was waiting for his turn a car with three men had pulled up to his mum to ask for directions. One of the men in the car who claimed to be a pastor was frantically explaining that a close acquaintance had been rushed to hospital and that he needed to know how to get there. He beckoned for Jollof’s mum to get into the car but she didn’t budge. Suddenly from out of nowhere a pedestrian walked up to the scene.
‘Ah! Pastor! It’s you!!!’
‘Hello my brother. I’m trying to locate one hospital around here’.
‘Er no problem.’ (Turns to Jollof’s mum) ‘Madam, let’s go and help pastor’…
Jollof finally withdrew N10,000 and walked back to where his mum was but she was nowhere to be seen.
The ‘Walt Disney’ version of what happened:
Jollof left his mum waiting by the car while he queued up at an ATM kiosk around the corner to withdraw some cash. The man at the front of the queue must have been using his debit card for the first time because he kept pressing what seemed to be the incorrect PIN. ‘Oh Lord, let his ATM debit card get retained’, Jollof prayed. In the end he wasn’t sure if the person had insufficient funds or just wanted to perform a PIN change. The next person in front of Jollof was hell-bent on taking time wasting to the next level. He must have been one of those ‘techie’ types who liked to use the ATM to pay for his cable TV bill, phone bill and then buy recharge vouchers for every member of his extended family before finally printing a mini statement. ‘AAAAARGH!!’, Jollof thought.
He finally withdrew N10,000 and walked back to where his mum was and they both got into his car.
‘So were you able to make your withdrawal?’
‘Yeah, I was’.
‘Oh good. Hmm’. She pauses and then continues. ‘You won’t believe what happened while I was waiting for you…’
Fortunately it was the Walt Disney version that panned out in real life but many today are victims of hypnosis and have managed to loot their own residences for the diabolical puppeteer, or in other cases, abduct the victim and use them for rituals. In Nigeria no one has to tell you but you need to be streetwise or as we say in these parts, ‘Shine your eye!’
Hahahaha. Thank God it was the Walt Disney version that panned out O. LOL! Your Mum isnt a dulling woman.
I have heard these stories and they never end well.
Na so my dear. I know a friend whose younger brother was a victim. He was stopped by someone asking for directions and the next thing that happened is that he came back home, looted his folk’s valuables and took it to the scammer who made him believe he was going to drop dead otherwise. By the time it was 12 midnight he realized what had happened to him – and for someone not very conversant with Lagos roads he had no idea how he was able to navigate….into a competely different part of town! God help us
Thank God for His safety o! The Stephen version scared me silly.
I think you said this already *insert sarcasm smiley here*
Thank God for His safety o! The Stephen King version scared me silly.
Scared me too actually, lol
Great story – what I love about the blog-world are these wonderful insights into other countries and cultures. Your post has given me the heebie-jeebies!
Thanks Becca. Hopefully these insights won’t scare readers too much from ever coming to pay a visit – I’ll be their free tour guide
If I ever get to Nigeria, I’ll definitely take you up on that. Although I wouldn’t have got into that car!
That’s wisdom
Haha Jollof, that was a pretty hilarious and scary article…
Permit me to share something I wrote recently about the us of diabolic powers in Lagos.
Please read and drop a thought, thanks.
This is really a story that calls for singing praises to God. I myself am a victim, not directly as your own story went, but God’s wisdom definitely shielded me. I thank God it was the Walt Disney one that really happened. Plus you know how to dish out stories, I enjoyed the concept, that was creative Jollof.
And y’all should definitely check out Charles’s own version.You would love it. It had me rolling on the floor laughing.
Already did and I’m glad i didn’t miss out lol
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