I’ve come to realize that, unknown to me, I’ve been running a
marathon race. The weird thing is that it’s not your usual kinda race. You see, in a conventional race you participate because you want to win it; but not this race I’m running. I call it the Single4Life race. It’s quite simple really – you start the race with a bunch of your unmarried friends and you can run this race for years. Along each lap you find that participants start to pull out; not because they’re exhausted but because they suddenly have partners they’re engaged to. This leaves the remaining bitter unmarried participants to continue the race.
The race doesn’t have a particular number of laps. You could keep running this race until you’re the last single person – that would technically make you the winner. Though I can’t say if the grand prize would be all that rewarding; 3rd place gets a one year access to a premium dating club, 2nd place gets a full directory of beautiful partners who want no commitment, 1st place gets…(wouldn’t you like to know, lol).
This brings me to…well…me! Like I said earlier, I’ve been running this race for quite a while now and even just a few weeks ago another good friend chickened pulled out and got himself married. It’s a new year and somehow I feel I’m in my final lap. I can’t wait to pull out…because this sure is one race I do not want to win. I’ve already started to slow down, the blisters on my feet are pulsating, and I’m sweating like a CEO of a loss-making company right before an ad-hoc board meeting. It’s high time I start running a new race…and that’s the one to the altar. Wish me luck 😉
That’s really sweet. I hope you find true love very soon, or at least a willing participant in helping you lose the race! Lol. Are there any possible suitors (or whatever the word for the female suitor is) on the horizon?
oh yes there are! They’ve just not been able to pull me out of the race yet, lol. Thanks SQS
Awwwww best wishes dear
Thanks 🙂
Nice write-up.. I could help pull u out of d race if u dnt mind..lmao..I’m new here buh I lik wat I see *in wande coal’s voice*
Many thanks for the comment, Bolaji.
I loved that. Shall i find you a wife then? Hahaha
You’re probably better off utilizing your precious time more wisely on yourself, lol. I’ll cope just fine but thanks for the tempting offer 🙂
ahhh…bless….this got me laughing big time.
Now it all makes sense after reading this blog…your dp from a few days ago…*smiling*
remember what they say about d patient dog…lol…okay okay…dude hurry up and marry already jor. She will be a good woman who will make it worth the wait….*wink*
I hear you. I’m working as had as I can. I’m gonna lose this race in Jesus name, Amen!