Quick recap
It has been a roller-coaster this last couple of weeks – Tochi and Eric were evicted from the Big Brother house two weeks ago and then last week the bottom four were Kaisha, TrikyTee, Wathoni and Neo. Vee burst into tears as soon as Neo’s name was called by Ebuka. Kaisha was the first of the four to see the Big Brother Exit door and in similar fashion the remaining housemates expected a second name to be called for eviction. In a twist of fate Ebuka announced that the remaining nominated housemates were safe, to which Neo went flat on the floor with relief. Tension soon got doused and the housemates had a moment to reflect.
The Koko
Two weeks ago when Erica was HoH and nominated Kiddwaya as her DHoH it was a bittersweet experience – sweet for Erica and Kidd but bitter for the rest of the housemates, especially Laycon. Erica got into altercations with at least two female housemates (Lucy and Wathoni) and on top of that the house lost their wager. Everyone managed to find solace in eating food in silos or as couples. The house was clearly divided. Fast forward to this week, we saw Kiddwaya emerge as the new HoH after beating his closest rival (Prince) in the Arena game. Kidd picked Tolanibaj as his DHoH since Erica was exempt from being either HoH or DHoH but Tolanibaj is a close friend to Erica. Kidd was determined to establish his new regime as one that is fair to all and brings the housemates together. This was not as easy as he had hoped
Animal Farm
Kiddwaya wanted the housemates to eat together like a family as they had done when they first came into the BB house. Two separate pots of food were made for some reason. One pot was shared to all but when one of the housemates asked about the other pot Erica (neither a HoH or DHoH) said it was for four people (presumably Prince, Tolanibaj, Kidd and herself). This got Praise, Wathoni and a few others worked up and they went into factions. Later it was discovered that the same pot in contention was carried to the HoH private lounge for ‘safekeeping’ (If anyone knows what happened to that pot of stew please drop a comment). A second attempt at eating together was somewhat achieved when Nengi cooked for the house. Her jollof rice and chicken was well received by all.
Big Brother on vacaction
BB called in Kidd to secretly inform him that he was going away for some days but didn’t want the other housemates to know. He instructed Kidd that if he was able to keep this a secret then he would get a prize on his return. So far Kidd has done a good job – not so sure about BB who is always calling some phone to the hearing of all the housemates who have come to accept BB’s new way of interacting with Kidd only. Smh.
Happy Birthday Vee
Neo professed his love to Vee and disclosed the secret plans behind the scene to get her flowers. She was pleasantly surprised and BB arranged for a birthday cake and munchies. They all said a few words to appreciate and wish Vee the best (except for Neo who rambled into a never-ending epistle). They were obviously served the most food that evening.
Eviction Prediction
Wathoni has shown lack of interest in being in the BB house. She is likely to be the one of the bottom four housemates with the least votes.