Radio interview with N6 of Cool FM 96.9 Lagos! … (updated on 28th July, 2013!)

ImageHello dear fans! My interview with On-Air-Personality ‘N6’ was rescheduled. It actually took place yesterday (apologies for the short notice). It was a blast! ‘N6’ (or Nnamdi as I also know the OAP to be) was a wizard in the studio and had me in stitches with some of his risque comments. I was on air promoting my book, making references to crazy stories in my book and generally encouraging readers in Nigeria to support Nigerian authors. Shame I haven’t got a recorded video for your listening/viewing pleasure but I’ll do that the next time I get an opportunity to be on air again. I also hear there is an android app designed just for picking up radio stations on the go: Jandus radio – try it out 🙂

Tonwa at CoolFM

3 thoughts on “Radio interview with N6 of Cool FM 96.9 Lagos! … (updated on 28th July, 2013!)

  1. Pingback: Why my mechanic should be jailed! | tHe CrAzY NiGeRiAn

  2. Pingback: ★Stars★ | Radio interview with N6 of Cool FM 96.9 Lagos! … (updated on 28th July, 2013!)

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