My Exclusive Radio Interview tonight on 99.3FM

radio showHi everyone!

I’d like to let you all know that if you happen to reside in Nigeria you could hear my interview session on 99.3fm Nigeria Info at 9pm tonight. It promises to be entertaining as we shall be focussing mostly on my book The Crazy Nigerian. There will be also a giveaway so lucky local callers could grab an autographed copy of my book.

If you happen to be on twitter please follow @dcrazynigerian (it’ll only take you a minute) and retweet/RT this message:

RadioΒ interview tonight with the author of @dcrazynigerian .Tonwa Anthony & @BerryRush on @NigeriainfoFM 9pm #TuneIn

Thanks for all your support – this blog wouldn’t be the same without y’all πŸ™‚

12 thoughts on “My Exclusive Radio Interview tonight on 99.3FM

  1. Dear “AYIBATONWAPRE”, yours truly et her room-mate are listening to you live and we even called in trying to win the book. It was fun biting our tongues trying to pronounce your name and even though you killed our morale by saying our attempt was not “Graceful”….We still love the book and we’ll buy it :). Where can we get it? Or better still the E-copies you mentioned where can we get it?

    P.S what is the correct spelling of your name 😐

    • Thanks Stehllar for your comment and for listening to the show! Ayebatonwapiri is how it’s spelt. You tried but you know what, I’ll send you a complimentary e-book (Send your Name and email address to Hard copies are available at Terra Kulture (Tiamiyu Savage, V.I) and Hub Mediastore (Palms, Lekki). Happy reading!

  2. I wish I could have heard the radio interview! I’d love to get a copy of your book. How much is the ebook? Did you do the interview in English or in your native language? I’ve been missing your posts!

    • Aww, thanks Yvette. I’ve made enquiries about the interview recording so lets keep our fingers crossed. Send a mail to so I can give your details about the book.

      I’ll have some juicy posts up for you soon πŸ˜€

      I’ll have some juicy posts up for you in no time πŸ˜€

  3. hey i’m was really thrilled when I read this post a few days ago, you just had to do an interview shortly after I left Nig! hope you get to upload it. btw why haven’t you been blogging often enough…you are missed! or should i say your posts? hehehe…

    • Ah, I’m touched that you’ve been missing my posts πŸ™‚

      Don’t worry, I’m gaining momentum as you’ll see in a couple of days. Hope you enjoyed Naij (there’s no place like home).

  4. Pingback: Why EVERYBODY should get blogging | tHe CrAzY NiGeRiAn

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