For as long as I can remember there has been this fascination with the large red cocktail more commonly pronounced by the average Nigerian as ‘Shapman’. It has become synonymous with the popular orders made at our local Chinese restaurants, Recreational Clubs and more recently, weddings (though our wedding planners are notorious for being extremely selective with Chapman distribution – I‘ve never been offered any to date). Its origin is arguably in Nigeria but no one knows for sure. It isn’t necessarily expensive to buy (between N300 and N1000, i.e. $6 max.) nor is it difficult to make. But I think I know why there’s such a fuss over this bitter-sweet refreshment – it just tastes so damn good!
Today I’m running a small Chapman factory in my apartment (okay, not really but I do make them rather frequently) and I want to share the recipe for you to enjoy. Learn how to make Chapman is 6 easy steps!:
- Get a large tumbler/glass mug (necessary if you want to make your Chapman-experience last a bit)
- Fill the glass halfway with ice cubes
- Pour a capful of Grenadine or any blackcurrant cordial into the glass (for that red glow)
- Pour in 2shots of Bitters – Any bitters you can find but you can also use Campari (In Lagos, Angostura Bitters is available at Goodies for N3,200).
- Pour in equal amounts of…believe it or not…Fanta and Sprite then mix it up
- Throw in a slice of lemon, garnish with a cucumber slice and dip-in a bendy straw
- Sip slowly and try not to hum too much as your taste-buds go into a frenzy.
- If you enjoyed this article show your appreciation by leaving a comment, or clicking on @dcrazynigerian and following me or sending a thank you mail to dcrazynigerian@gmail.com . Thank you for your support!
Well there you have it. Simple, isn’t it? So the next time you’re sitting by your computer and one of your (anti-social) friends sends you a mouth-watering cocktail…via Facebook, make a Chapman to quench that insatiable thirst your ‘friend‘ created (remember to do point 7 ^^)…and then proceed to delete that friend from your Friend list (optional).
You’d need the following (if you are serving in small plastic cups):
– 1.5 litres of Ribena/Blacurrant cordial/Grenadine (about 1 big table spoon poured at the base of each cup)
– 50 cans of Sprite (half of each can poured into a cup)
– 50 cans of Fanta (half of each can poured into a cup)
– 10 medium lemons (each sliced in 10, making 100 slices)
– 10 medium cucumbers (each sliced into 20 and served two pieces per cup)
– 4 bottles of Alomo bitters or 3 bottles of Angosturra bitters (a capful poured into each cup)
– Probably 500 ice cubes equivalent (cheaper if you have ice trays at home. 5 cubes per cup)
– 100 bendy straws.
– Mixers (long plastic stirrers) are optional as you can use the straws to mix the drinks
N.B – If you use large mugs instead of plastic cups then use 100 cans of Sprite and 100 cans of Fanta (1 can of Sprite and Fanta per mug). Everything else remains the same.
Hahaha and that sounds pretty good, though a little on the sweet side.
What flavor of Fanta do you use?
Orange. We used to have Fanta Chapman flavour, Fanta Lemon and also Fanta Pineapple but they weren’t too popular with the Nigerian market so those flavours were all yanked out of the market. The Angostura bitters will take care of the sweetness
Alamo bitters ‘ve no place in Chapman, only Anggostura bitters
I hear what you’re saying but I found that a lot of people find it hard to come across Angostura bitters. Alomo bitters seems a fair alternative.
Sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing!
tanks 4 sharing dis,it’s simple dan i thot.will giv it a shot
great one there, my lovely family deserve something really nice this Xmas season. Thanks for the recipe.
You are most welcome Gbemi 🙂
Fantastic! just what I have been looking for. Thanks.
Anytime Ada!
Thank you so much! I went to Nigeria in 2006 for 3 weeks and got introduced to Chapmans at the very end of the trip. (Maybe they were trying to make me want to come back?) Ever since I got back to the US, I have been looking for a recipe. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Now all I need is to figure out how to make chips and pizza the way the click net did…
You’re most welcome Brandi! Chapman should become an international cocktail so I hope you’ll generate a few fans in the U.S. Goodluck with the Chips and Pizza 🙂
Thanks man for that info on chapman,there was an arguement ystday at ikoyi club on the origin of chapman.some one said it originated from Nigeria,there was a certain man in sapele of the white skin origin who likes telling the bar man to mix all sorts for him ,so when he left Nigeria or died cant remember exactly, some people that do enjoy the drink with him started asking for chapman ,however the man’s name was chapman
That’s an interesting story but the only similarity I’ve found is that the drink originated from Ikoyi club. I have no idea who invented the drink. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Wow! Interesting story. Didn’t realise its a Nigerians drink until I googled looking for calorie information on it. Thanks for the recipe. Didn’t know you could use angostura bitters. Knew about the Campaign though.
are you jollof rice ,beans,yam,or agidi.i.e eko mixed with various ingredients favourably prepared by the ibos of western nigeria.hahhahahah just kidding.I HEARD SOMETHNG,DID U KNW DAT THE PHCN,RAILWAY,EDUCATION SECTOR ETC.ARE HAVING PROBLEMS DUE TO SOM UNSCRUPLOUS GET RICH QUICK OR DIE TRYNG OLD AND PAROCHIAL MINDED MEN AND WOMEN.dont worry i will give u the full jist,after checking what am cooking.
I’m all of the above, lol. Gist me anytime!
lol! Waiting for the full story
Hi Jollof,
Thanks 4 d recipe, I’m using a whole bottle of grenadine sirop, what quantity of fanta & sprite wld u recommend? I’m sure making dis 4 d party 2mao
I would use the syrup sparingly. If you’re making one tall glass of Chapman you would use half a can of sprite and half a can of fanta, with just enough syrup to cover the base of the glass. I recommend you make the mixture without the syrup and pour into glasses first. Add the syrup into each glass at the end. Don’t forget the bitters (angostura bitters) or campari!
Hi Jollof(funny name sha),
I just learnt how to make the chapman cocktail over the weekend and couldn’t believe how easy it was to make! I used allomo bitters instead & it still came out right!I also used ribena ready to drink,as the currant drink as I was in a hurry to try the cocktail out!Now I can’t wait to host a party & show off my chapman cocktails :).
Thanks so much.
You are most welcome. Look out for some more easy-to-make cocktails in the near future on this blog.
hi thanks for sharing ur recipe.i need ur help.am about to host a party for about 200 pple.how many crate of fanta and sprite do i need?thanks
You’re welcome Omono. The no. of crates depends on whether you use large or small mugs. Assuming you use large mugs (or assume each person will drink 2 small mugs), you’ll need about 8 crates – 4 of fanta and 4 of sprite = 192 bottles in total. If you want to spend less then cans may be a better option, combined with a generous use of ice cubes. You can refer to my recipe to see how I made Chapman for 100 people. Good luck!
Pingback: Crazy Cocktail Recipies | The Crazy Nigerian
Very interesting site. Just wanted answers to a few questions that propped up in my mind as I read thru. Which are the most popular flavors commonly used to make this drink in nigeria?. Do we have any bitters that is not alcoholic? As the most popular bitters used angostura has alcohol? Any non alcoholic bitters around? Where can iget this bitters? Must the recipe always contain bitters? What is grenadine and its purpose in the mix
Hi Noah – thanks for the compliment. I’m not aware of any non-alcoholic bitters that can be used for this recipe because Angustora bitters and Campari are the conventional ingredients used. Please note that since you’re using only a capful or teaspoon per glass it is hardly enough to make anybody tipsy. However, I can only suggest using Bitter Lemon (or squeezing a few limes) for that bitter tang (chapman taste may vary from the usual).
By the way, Grenadine is used to get the redness. Ribena or any blackcurrant cordial is also appropriate to get this colour. Hope all this helps. Cheers!
So glad to see the recipe spreading – I enjoyed it immensely when I lived in Nigeria in the 1990s.
There is a non-alchoholic bitters available, it’s called Monin Bitters and makes the drink safe for children even at large quantities 😉 Though perhaps it’s not available everywhere.
Thanks Dominique. I’ll look out for Monin bitters here and try it out 🙂
How about Yoyo Bitters? Is it Alcoholic?
It is. You could leave it out when making for kids.
It’s my pleasure, Margy 🙂
Hi Jollof,
Thanks for sharing this great tip with us.
i am planning an event for 400people and i thought i should also serve them chapman. how many bottles of fanta and sprite do u suggest. also what quantity of grenadine syrup and angostura bitters should be used?
whats that thing that looks like umbrella called?
You’re welcome Femi. It’s safer to make them individually (and that is time consuming) but I know someone who can have it all taken care of at a good price. I’ll send you an email with more details.
Hi, jollof. U really doing a great job. Pls kip it up…one luv dear
By the way, those umbrellas are called Cocktail Parasols
hi Jollof,my name is kate,thanks for the receipe.I want to make a chapman drink for 200 people and how many fanta,7up and sprite do i need for it,i also need the quantity of grenadine and angostura bitters.Pls,reply me because the marriage is tomorrow (13th august,2011).THANKS
You’re welcome. I’m sorry for the late response 🙁
I sent you a mail which provides all the answers to your questions.
Thanks for reading!
hi jollof,thanks a million am so glad i found this page.dose this stuff need water in it?
Hi Grace. No, it doesn’t require any water; all the ice cubes will melt in the chapman anyway 😉
Thanks for stopping by!
It’s really nice.
What can be used to replace the “bitters’ for children’s consumption?
thanks a bunch
For the kids, you could use half a lime squeezed into each glass – to get that tang. Thanks for the comment 🙂
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hi,realy intrested in making chapman for my boys.cos tyhe make reqest for it wheneverwego outing.my question is that where can i buy d angustura bitters from and the grenadine from,i live in abuja
If you have Goodies Supermarket in Abuja then you’ll find Angostura Bitters in the Wine section. I found them being sold at Lagos branches. Thanks for your comment 🙂
Where can I get d Grenades from? Are they sold in Shoprite?
Goodies Supermarket (Awolowo rd, Ikoyi and Mobolaji Bank Anthony, Ikeja). I’m not sure about Shoprite.
Wow this was really helpful! I went τ̅☺ a party yesterday d guy serving d chapman was very reluctant τ̅☺ give me until called my friend told her τ̅☺ get one ƒσя me! I was like eish!wetin dey dis chapman sef? So no shakara again from d chapman guy!*moju*
You’re welcome. I’m sure you’ll be a Chapman expert in no time!
Hi dude,thanks for dis recipe and i’m trying it on sat for my little cousin who is clockin one.can u send a detailed measurement for 100pple which includes adult and kids.thanks a bunch.
HI Teeteelayor. I’ll send the measurements to your mailbox. Thanks for stopping by (and do spread the word!)
Hi Jollof, ur name is salivating! Thnks for sharing. Pls wld like to know the quantity of items needed to make chapman drink for 400pple. Let me know the amount of bitters, sprite and fanta as well as the grenadine. Pls the event is in two days. Thank you in anticipation, God bless
Hi! If you look through my Chapman article you’ll see how to make the drink for 100 people. Simply use the multiplier effect for 400 people and you’ll be fine 🙂 All the best at your event!
Hi,i really appreciate the recipe for chapman i see here,bt guys i know that there is another liquor that is usually used as base for chapman,and none of d articles i see mentions it,its really tart and the colour is ruby red,but fot the life of me,i can’t remember the name and its driving me nuts. Help please.Anybody know d name?
Hi Nancy! THe liquor you’re looking for is CAMPARI. Hope I’ve put you out of your misery 🙂
thanks alot.pls can u send me detail measurement 4 50 person.
Ok Kemi. I’ll send to your mail over the weekend (just hope my internet connection doesn’t fail me).
hi jollof
thanks for ds.u are doing a great job.pls I want to make Chapman for 50 pple.how many bottle of fanta n sprit will I use.I plan on buying the big plastic 1.5ltr bottle drink cos I think its economical.thank u.I need to make the drink on Thursday so am hoping to getting d reply from u b4 then.thanks again.
Hi Kemi. Just half the quantities in the recipe for 100 pple. Don’t forget to also check the ‘How To’ page for that all important tip for a crisp Chapman drink. Thanks for your comment.
Hi, thanks for this. Pls can u send me a detailed measurement for 100 cups? And is mint spring an important component in making chapman?
Hi jollof,dats very interesting.actually i went to an interview today as a barman,when i was asked what CHAPMAN was i couldn’t give an answer and i was denied d oppurtunity of that job.so pls i wuld love u to send me more tips on chapman and where to get those campari and grenadine,and also some drinks that are made locally in a bar-Psalmuel_H2O@ymail.com-Thanks
Sorry to hear about the interview outcome. I’m glad you found the recipe useful. If there are any other cocktail deliacies I learn about then I’ll post them here.
hi buddy can u give me substitutes for grenade and angostura bitters
Hi! You can substitute Grenadine for Black Currant cordial (e.g. Ribena, Tasty Time, etc) and then Alomo Bitters for Angosturra bitters. Campari has the dual effect – red colour and piquant taste.
Hi! Can u believe that i seriously wanted to get this recipe last week when my friend wanted to make it at her cousin’s party.I called every caterer i know but was unable to get it,eventually i got a recipe without the bitters which i gave my friend.Thanks for the real recipe
Well, you’ve found the recipe right here on The Crazy Nigerian. Spread the word and drink responsibly 😉
Thanks Bukola!
Am so Glad I found ds page,my dads birthday is Oct 18th & i wnt smth diff 4 him,plsssssss cn u hlp me wt d quantity of recipes dt i wl nid for 100ppl & hw best to mk it.
Thanks Ola.
You’d need the following (if you are serving in small plastic cups):
– 1.5 litres of Ribena/Blacurrant cordial/Grenadine (about 1 big table spoon poured at the base of each cup)
– 50 cans of Sprite (half of each can poured into a cup)
– 50 cans of Fanta (half of each can poured into a cup)
– 10 medium lemons (each sliced in 10, making 100 slices)
– 10 medium cucumbers (each sliced into 20 and served two pieces per cup)
– 4 bottles of Alomo bitters or 3 bottles of Angosturra bitters (a capful poured into each cup)
– Probably 500 ice cubes equivalent (cheaper if you have ice trays at home. 5 cubes per cup)
– 100 bendy straws.
– Mixers (long plastic stirrers) are optional as you can use the straws to mix the drinks
N.B – If you use large mugs instead of plastic cups then use 100 cans of Sprite and 100 cans of Fanta (1 can of Sprite and Fanta per mug). Everything else remains the same.
I hope this helps you and all those who’ve asked previously and are considering asking in future, lol.
Please wish Happy Birthday to your dad (in advance) from the Crazy Nigerian 😀
Thanks a bunch,God Bless U…………………..
Wow… Dis is really great, U̶̲̥̅̊ made it so easy 2 understand. Thanks so much
Thanks so much for dis information abt how to make chapman now I can enjoy makin n drinkin it, makin it on saturday
this was really, really helpful i’m totally dreaming up days of relaxation with friends sipping my very own chapman and helping themselves to plates of samosas (which i just learnt hw 2 make online too) fanx a bunch!!
No problem Wande. Save me a samosa or two!
This is cool, tanks for sharing,
You’re welcome!
i wanna have a beach party and I’m gonna be catering for 25 people more or less. Can u tell me what quantity of ingredients I’d need plus can’t i just make the Chapman in a big container as i won’t be able to make it in cups at the beach. actually, i probably can but it would be pretty inconvenient.
Executing this recipe in one big container may not yield the desired result. May I suggest that you get 2 of your friends to assist you in making 8 glasses each (and then you make 9 glasses, making a total of 25 glasses). At least this way you’re sure of consistency in taste. Hope you have a swell time!
Pls how can I get hold of the cocktail parasols?
most large supermarkets have them in the disposable cups/plates section. Good luck 🙂
uhmm, yea that sounds workable plus the guests probably wont all arrive at the same time. Thanx!
dis is one of d best thing i ve read so far on drinks.
thank u so much.
That means a lot to me. Thanks Kehinde
Sure you have a good heart to ve joyfully release the recipe. I ve learn and I will always prepare chapman for my family instead of going to buy from any of dis cocktail shops. Txs a mil
You’re welcome, Ada 🙂
wow, u made it sound so easy and intresting… a million thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome Nkay 🙂
Thànks for the chapman recipe,have been seeking this info over the years.my bottle of agostura aromatic bitters can be put to use now.
You’re welcome Ambrose!
Where do i get the angostura bitters?
if you’re in Lagos just go to any Goodies supermarket and check the liquor section. Alade market on Allen avenue (Ikeja) will also have it.
HI jollof
thanks 4 the chapman recipe, pls am planning to host about100 ppl can you pls send me d measurements for the recipe. thanks
So simple and interesting, Thanks a million
hey ya! thanks a lot for the recipe. i’d like to make chapman for a part of 50…. one batch with campari and the other regular. please can u kindly send me measurements? e-mail addy gbunz@umd.edu. also, do you know if its ok for someone who’s pregnant to drink the regular chapman with drops of bitters? thank you!
Hi Efe, this is an extremely late reply and I do apologize for overlooking your question. For the record, I would recommend non-alcoholic chapman for pregnant women. You can refer to my recipe for 100 people and halve the quantities of sprite. Good luck!
Wow my wife worries soomuch abt my intake of coke and i had to keep looking 4 a good replacement 4 coke and i just found one… Thanks 4 sharing wit me am most grateful. Ben
Glad I could be of help 🙂
Niceee! My mum likes adding pineapple juice tho!
That’s an interesting addition to the Chapman mix. I might just try that, thanks 🙂
Hi Jol,
With all regards, you wouldn’t know how glad I am to discover this site. Thank you.
What gives chapman the different colours I some times see?
Please,if you are in Lagos ,how do I see you soonest?
Thank you.
Hi Ernest, I move around a lot so online communication is the best option. If the chapman you’re drinking doesn’t have a reddish-yellow glow then I doubt if there’s enough (if any) Grenadine and (or) Campari. An ultra-quick substitute would be to mix equal amounts of Fanta and Sprite with lemon/lime garnish but it’s not quite the same.
Hi Jol,
How are you doing? Ok, please I need your help;I have been asked to make different flavours of non alcoholic chapman fo 250 people.
What three flavours and colours can I make?,
What quantities of the ingredients do I get ?
It’s my first test please ,I need to make a pleasant impression.
Thank you and stay blessed.
If you scroll through the comments on the Chapman post you should find the recipe for 100 or 200 people’s worth. As for colours maybe you could use food colouring (which you can find in any decent supermarket – zero flavour, zero smell). Only catch is how many of those little bottles will you have to buy in order to make different colour combinations? I wonder…
Dear Jol,
I hope you are doing great? Ok, I want to thank you for sharing your chapman drink recipe with me.
Last saturday ,I made the drink for 350 people in a wedding on the Island ;they loved it….thanks to you Jol……and one good teacher – Ozoz.
God bless you.
I’m glad they enjoyed it Ernest. In return please spread the word on Facebook, twitter etc 🙂
I’m glad they all liked it. In return do spread the word (Facebook, Twitter, BBM, etc) Thanks forthe comment Ernest 🙂
thanks 4 the training.
This is great!
Tanx a lot 4 letting dis huge recipe 4 chapman out. Plz i’d luv to knw if water is needed or jst d sprite & fanta alone, even if it’s for 250 people or more….
You’re welcome Taiwo. I wouldn’t add water since it can make your chapman flat – the fizz/kick will be lost. I always prefer to use as much ice as possible because it will melt into water anyway. My regards to Kehinde 🙂
Tanx a lot 4 letting dis huge recipe 4 chapman out. I nw knw water is nt added instead d ice melts inside. Bt hw do i make for 200 pple? And hw many cups wil one get in equal vol(35cl) of fanta nd sprite, so as to calculate 4 any amount of guest? Pls i nid answers urgently…plz i’l b glad cos it’s mai 1st time
Ok Taiwo. I’ve included the recipe for 100 people in the main article. You will just have to make the relative adjustments for the number of people you want to serve. Good luck with it and do drop by again.
Tanx 4d 100 pple recipe, bt can one already mix d equal vol of sprite & fanta wt d exact amt of blackcurrant cordial nd d bitters 2geda in a large jar wt iceblock inside 2 make it cold, den serve wt mayb 3 ice cubes per cup. Also wil d Alomo bitters av d same taste as angostura’s. And i tink d sliced lemon thrown in substituted 4 squeeze of lemon or lime. I’l tel Kenny abt u no doubt…
You can use the jar but be sure to pour in the blackcurrant cordial sparingly in order not to get a dark colour (instead of the reddish glow). 3 regular-sized ice cubes per cup is perfect and though Alomo and Angostura are almost the same in taste, the latter has an edge (you can get it at Goodies on Awolowo rd Ikoyi in the Wine section).
Tanx i’l get bak 2u lata boss.:-)
D tasty time cordial–is it d normal #200 tasty time or can one use Boom blackcurrant cos daz wat i cud find in d market nd i also found out Grenadine cud b used instead of d currant.
Yeah, any decent Blackcurrant cordial will do and Grenadine is definitely recommended(See recipe) 🙂
Jol! Tanx 4 bin der always. I dnt knw hw to charge my client for 200 pple, is it charged per cup. If yes, tell me for plastic & beer cup. I’l b glad…
Well Taiwo, the pricing is relative – it obviously depends on your cost and I’m not sure if you’re buying your ingredients in bulk from a wholesaler (much cheaper). For the beer mug a pricing of between N500 and N600 would be reasonable. Some hotels get away with charging up to N1000. For plastic cups you could measure how many would fill up a beer mug and then work out a reasonable price. It’s your call 🙂
Great,ve been looking forward for a very long time.tanks very much.u re a success
Amen! Thanks Sarah, enjoy 🙂
I know the bloke who concocted this drink. His name is John Frederick Chapman. He is from England (i think) but he used to work in Nigeria. He mentioned this drink on one of his anecdotes but i never really googled it until now =) He’s now lives in Australia.
erratum **He now lives in Australia**
Thanks Cordi! It’s a wonder that it never surfaced in the cocktail bars in England. I’m sure the drink would do pretty well.
Thanks a lot
You’re welcome Ade. Share the link 🙂
Reblogged this on Drowning out the voices and commented:
I was just going to print this out so that when I go shopping I know what to get but this way, I most definitely would not forget to try this at home.
I see that you wrote this a long time ago but believe me, it’s just what I need right now.
Hi, is there an alternative to the bitters, because I do not drink alcohol. Thanks
I don’t know of any that has been used as a substitute to angostura bitters. Medicinal bitters e.g. Swedish bitters may be an option but I’d rather you do without.
I love this drink so much. If only I knew it was this easy. Thanks a lot.
pls where can i get recipes for flaming cocktail in nija. Ma location is Lagos.
Hi,i use bacchus tonic wine,fanta,pepsi,non-alcoholic ginger beer,sachet of brandy & gin,seven up & lime.stil tastes gud bt wil try ur own method. cheers!
Thanks Tosin. Likewise I’m tempted to try your own recipe and discover which I prefer. I’ll let you know what I think 🙂
thanks for d recipe.pls i want to know if grenadine and black currant can be used together in chapman.
Use one or the other (preferrably grenadine)
Hello Jollof, I actually saw a name Chapman in a bar with phone no. I wander wot it is; so in my skul of catering class our madam introduce chapman cocktail to a wedding I neva knew how it was made “n” she promise to take us in class but B4 d lecture I went online and I found it and with it I was able to make out 4 more types. Thanks for sharing!
That’s good to hear. Thanks for stopping by Babylove.
Wow! Its wonderful,tanks d ideas cos i dnt even know make chapman drink.jst short of words,am greatful tanks.more ideas will keep u going.tanks
u can contact me 08083182738
Planning something like that for my wedding to be served alongside with small chops. Will help really cut cost. Tanx so much for sharing.
You’re welcome Vicky
U are far too kind. Not many would divulge so much,dey’ll probably leave a vital info out intentionally. My questions:…..u said any bitters and then swedish bitters&living bitters came to mind(u sure one can use dos?…ℓ☺ℓ)….Wld alomo bitters not give an inferior taste? Ribena/tasty-tym/augustura can u describe d diff impact each of these wld mk on d drink……what’s d essence of d camparri(is it for dos who’d love d drink to be a lil bit alcoholic)….kindly drop me ur Pin as well, It would be a great honour to av u as one of my contacts….Huggs all d way!
I’d love to read more of your articles………
Hi, thanks for the comment. See my responses to your questions below:
Bitters – I strongly recommend Angustora bitters. Alomo bitters are almost as good but not necessarily inferior.
Ribena/tasty-tym/augustura – Ribena and Tasty tym (black currant cordial) are both for colour and sweetness. Angustora adds a slight bitterness and a unique flavour.Campari is for the dark red colour as well as a slight bitterness but with alcohol (So Campari can be omitted when serving for kids).
Hope this helps! My pin is displayed on my homepage right underneath my picture in the top right-hand corner 🙂
Thanks plenty for dis! Please I wanna knw if we can get the orange juice from nature means? Thanks
Sure you can, if that’s more economical. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks so much for the recipe. Am thinking of going into chapman business. Thanks a lot
Hmmm!for me,its ok.but what type of flavour can one use else from the fanta flavour?
Mirinda or Gold-spot perhaps. But any orange-flavoured soda drink should do.
Blessu J! Am so happy for dis little gist on chapman,pls dear am use to angustora n campari,I want to try alomo B. How good is it?
Alomo doesn’t have the fruity-feel that angostura does. Alomo is just pure alcohol. Angostura takes alcohol to the next level. If you’re already used to Angostura and Campari then you probably wouldn’t want to have your Chapman any other way…but you can always experiment at home 🙂
Thanks this is wonderful. Very easy to understand, stay blessed
You’re welcome Wenny 🙂
We half Irish twiddle our trembling thumbs and watch the bar man let the Guinness run (but not fast enough to get away) We who are also half Scottish merely tip the single malt to our parched lips and let the bonny wee spirit swallow our sorrow and give it wings to fly away to the next bloke.
Bravo! That great though I haven’t give it shot. But pls can can ў☺ΰ pls send M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥☺ †ђξ full details of this drink as in †ђξ recipe for making a chapman and †ђξ full illustration of it. Ŧђɑ̤̥̈̊п̥̥̲̣̣̣kƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ for this opputunity ў☺ΰ Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ †ђξ best. …
Tnks jollof U̶̲̥̅̊ ave bin of gr8 help can I add calipso to my chapman
I don’t see why not, Yemi. I’m curious to know what a coconut liquer would do to the chapman taste. Do let me kniow though 🙂
tanks for the recipe,for an event can sum1 use alomo bitter in d absence of angostura.
Yes you can. Alomo bitters is a good alternative.
i love it
God bless u!!! Finally,i won’t disappoint my friend 2mao…….u re a darling………but i am a lil confused about the angostura and the campari……shld i use both or 1 of them?
Use one of them – angostura if possible. Enjoy!
and can i also av ur pin? pretty please…..
My pin is on the right hand side of my homepage.
Thanks a lot, really looking forward to trying it. Will let u know what I think
No prob Chinwe!
Hello jollof thanks for sharing.hi everyone äm sure you love this drink pls contact me for your events should incase you need a caterer to make this drink alongside other mouth watering cocktails. 08033186790 / pin:2875C043
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Thank you for sharing Jollof. If you all need to book chapman for your events and occasion at an affordable price, call 08152747916 or add me on BBM 2A82FDCB
Duly noted, Yomi. Thank you for stopping by
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This is awesome….tnx 4 sharing.
You’re welcome. Remember to spread the word 🙂
thanks for all of this
hi jollof you re a blessing to me my 30th birthday is coming soon and i wanted something very different so i decided to make chapman for 200 people but i dont know how until i stumbled on your article it’s going to be a great different on my day i live in canada i dont know which store to get those ingrediets grenadine and angostura.i already invited you to my bbm plz do accept me thanks once again you are the best God bless you for me and again what is the best and fastest way to mix the ingredients without making it flat ’cause i dont want the mixing time to waste my time when the party starts
You’re welcome Tammy. You could pour in the sprite at the last minute so the fizz lasts. You could use the substitutes I mentioned if u can’t find certain ingredients. Hope u have a splendid 30th birthday celebration 🙂
Tried it today! Made it for la famille, et they loved it! (garnished mine with thinly sliced apples) Thanks for sharing! *thumbs up*
That’s fantastic. I like the creativity with the apple slices. You’ve succeeded in adding a twist to the recipe. Well done and do share this article with your friends 🙂
I luv all dis
Thanks! Please spread the word and you can follow @dcrazynigerian for upcoming exclusive cocktail recipes.
Grappa and a sparkling wine… Italian style
pls, is addin bitters nt makin it alcholic?
Yes but you can make Chapman without bitters if you prefer.
wat altrnatv can i use if i dont wan2 use d bitters
You could use tonic water (a little above the base of the glass/cup, in other words, use sparingly). It’s definitely not alcoholic. Hope this helps 🙂
well ah gat to say thankz cos this recipe is less complicated……..ah will try it on ma next food nd nutrition practical….ah hope it works out
no problem Oliviera. I’m sure it’ll turn out fine
Thanks a lot for those recipes for Chapman.Please, I would want you to kindly help me out with the complete drink recipe and how to make a Fruity Chapman cocktail with Sprite, Orange Soda, Black Currant Cordial,kindly reply .Thanks once again
Thanks 4 sharing.really hope to c more of dis.
hi jollof, I’m planning for 40 people.pls send me recipe.
Hi Salome, you can half the quantities in my recipe for 100 people then you’ll probably have a bit extra. Hope that helps. Thanks for stopping by 😉
Nice concepts,i’ll try it ɑ̣̣̝̇̇
,keep it up!
By all means, do 🙂
Hello jollof pls for 100 pple aw many bottle of campari would I use or using living bitters aw many bottles would I use
I’d say about 4 bottles of Campari would cater for 100 people. happy mixing!
Nice kitchen lessons. I love chapman, bt I neva knew how to mix it. Its also my husband’s favourite. I think he’ll luv me more now if he knows I can make chapman like every other of his delicacies. Thanks.
Hello jollof,though i have an idea on this buh haven’t made a large qty before.will be making for 100pple so would like to know if 1 crate of fanta and sprite each and 1 bottle of grenaldine will serve?can i mix d 3 ingredients in a big jar and drop d bitters when i begin to serve?do u think blending cucumber and orange and squeezin in d juice will be nice?can’t wait to hear from you.
Hi Tola. If you’re using crates (bottles) then each bottle can serve two persons i.e. one bottle of fanta and one bottle of sprite will make two glasses of Chapman. A large bottle of Grenadine should be fine but should be used sparingly as it is quite sweet. Compensate with bitters or Campari.
If you decide to mix 3 ingredients in a jar and drop in the bitters later, it shouldn’t make much difference – it’s the quantities used in mixing the fanta, sprite and grenadine that matters.
Blending cucumber and orange is a first but you could try it solo and if you get good feedback among your peers then go for it! 🙂
I have tried dis @ home & realy enjoyed it,is lik i have neva tasted anytin so gud.u guys ar a very gud job…pls i wud lik 2 learn more cocktail how can i do dat?
Waoooooo this is nice, i will make my owun Chapman too
you’re welcome
Welldone ma….ur explanation was well digested, ma mum just told me dat I wud be making chapman for ileya&i think this is all I need to ‘wow’ our guests. Please, like how much must I have to make it 4 50people?
Thanks Adebola. For 50 people you can adjust accordingly by looking at the recipe for 100 people. I’m sure I’ve answered this in the comment trail. All the best 🙂
I can make chapman too, d best try it
Hi, I do like to know If I Am using orange juice instead of fanta wht wud be the quantity for 200 pple+how mny bottles of grenadine syrup wud I be needing…tnks
Hi, an average pack of Orange Juice is 1 litre while a bottle of Fanta is 50cl or half a litre so you could just use one of my recipes for 100 people in the post and make the necessary adjustments. All the best 🙂
What’s grenadine,where can I get it to buy?
Grenadine is a reddish extraordinarily sweet syrup available at Goodies (Lagos) or the cocktail section of any good supermarket.
Ok thanks,I dnt live in lagos I guess I would check other shops
Ok. I wish you all the best 🙂
Thank u
You’re welcome Olaide. In return you can spread the word about my blog The Crazy Nigerian. Cheers!
OMG…I used to love drinking Chapmans when growing up in Lagos. Thanks so much! 🙂
Thanks for this piece. How do I manage my ingredients for 200 people pls help out
Hello Donald. You can use the recipe for 100 people as your basis and then just double the quantity. Enjoy
Please can I have your email address. Need to make enquiry. Thanks
Thanks for the post, really helpful. Please, where in abuja can I find Angostura bitters?
It’s usually available at big supermarkets in the alcohol section. You’re best bet is to Google it and see if it’s in Abuja.
Pls i need ur help Mr Jollof, wanna mk Shapman for like 60 pple n considerin d Fanta Sprite of a thing can d flavours of these 2 be used instead of d drinks? Pls ep me send d details of d ingredients n d recipes. Tanx sir.
The answer to your question is in the article. Please read carefully
Nice blog there
Mucho gratias!
have been looking for something like it on chapman, love this so much, keep it up.
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Hello! I’ve been reading your web site for some time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Humble Tx!
Just wanted to say keep up the fantastic work!
Thanks a mil, Krystal. You’re a brave girl indeed 🙂
*Stay tuned for more cool posts*
please how can i learn dis frm u
You can send me an email. Go to the Contact page
U mean is not fanta drink u use, or did fanta has flavour dat u can buy in d market. pls i wnt to know if is dat fanta we used to drink thank u
I use fanta
Hi jellof! God bless u 4 dis relationship dat u are rendering. Pls sir I want to kw hw to mix blackcurrent nd orange juice in an empty blackcurrent bottle to get the lvly colour of chapman,I want it to full d emty can so dat I will store it in my frige nd serve from their. Pls tell me hw to mix dem;blkcurrent,orange juice,bitter,fanta nd sprite. Orange juice I mean is d brother of blkcurrent dat use to be in same can. Pls thank 4 helping me. I hv a meeting of 15 persons in my house dis weekend
Hello Sylvester. Thanks for visiting my blog and I appreciate the compliments. To get that red glow you won’t need so much blackcurrant cordial (remember it’s the thick syrup that needs diluting, not the light blackcurrant Ribena drink sold in cartons). For a quarter glass of blackcurrant add 3 quarters orange juice. I prefer fanta because it’s closer to the red in colour (being orange as opposed to yellow).
I hope this helps. If you have further enquiries let me know. Enjoy your party and follow @dcrazynigerian on Twitter 🙂
Am very greatful for dis info ve bin trying to know how to make chapman nd here it is simple like abc wil sure try it out tank u once again.
Does smoove chapman drink have alcohol?
No. It’s non alcoholic
How can I get my cocktail aving like 2 different color,sometime u will c another mix wit it
Thanks Motun. That is a very interesting observation which I’m glad you’ve shared. One suggestion is as follows: Instead of Fanta use Juice (like Five Alive Orange juice) to experiment. Pour the juice up to a quarter level of your glass mug. Tilt the glass mug to a 45 degree angle and then start to pour in the grenadine/Ribena at the tip of the orange juice slowly. After you pour in about half an inch take the glass back to its upright position. The effect you should get is that the grenadine/Ribena sits at the bottom of the glass. You should now have a glass with red at the bottom ‘transitioning’ into an orange then a yellow at the top 🙂
Can I get the quantity Angosturra of N1000
Hi Kachi. I’m not sure I understand your question. Are you asking if you can get Angustorra for N1000? If so, the answer is no. I believe it would be more than that. It’s available in Goodies Supermarket, Awolowo road Ikoyi.
When I was a child in Kaduna a Chapman consisted of 1 measure lime cordial, 1 measure orange cordial, 5 or 6 drops of Angustura bitters in a tumbler filled up with ginger ale, ice cubes and a slice of fresh lime. I still drink this drink 45 years on and it is just as refreshing as it always has been on a hot summers day
sorry , whats substitute for Apperito cos i use to use it
If you mean ‘Amaretto’ then there’s nothing quite like it 🙂
Thanx so much, u’re a darl, u actually made it easier 4 me concerning d large quantity. Won’t mind being a chapman specialist. But wait oooo, question 1. Can alomo bitters really give it d chapman taste? Question 2. Can kids take d drink as it contains d bitters? Thanx.
You’re most welcome, Wonu. Alomo bitters has its own unique bitterness but for original Chapman stick to the campari and angosturra bitters combo. For kids, recipe remains the same but just exclude the bitters 🙂
Good day and thanks for the tips jarey, u r far too kind. u hardly see most pple especially naija mixologist/bartenders give tips for free. God bless you for this
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thank you so much for this..I’ve bin making Chapman for a while now angostura bitters is now very expensive. I’ll definitely try out the alternatives.
I have a question tho.
is it possible or advisable to mix all the ingredients (bitters, grenadine, sprite and fanta) together in a big cooler or container then dish to each cup with ice and garnish when preparing for a large number like 200?
Thanks for the kind comments. I’ll advise that you mix all ingredients except the sprite. The fizz or gas in sprite is what keeps the Chapman from going flat. In fact, 7up is ideal compared to sprite. Add this with ice at the party and not before and you should be fine.
Hy jollof
Thank you so much for this post and God bless you.my question is what is the means of preserving this Chapman for weeks or month
Hello Pelumi. Thanks for the kind comment. The only way to preserve Chapman is to keep it in an air-tight container. Alternatively preserve without adding the gaseous ingredients (e.g. Sprite/7UP) until the day of the event. Hope you find this info useful.
Hy jollof!
Thank you so much for this post God bless you.but I want to ask if there is any means of preserving Chapman for weeks or months
Your sense of humour is endearing. Now my not so social self is considering starting a Chapman factory in my room?
nice article…