Warning: This article may upset the ‘lovey dovey’ women (you know, the Cinderella-happily-ever-after-romcom-sex-and-the-city-bridget-jones-diary types) who believe wedding rings must be worn at all times after the marriage ceremony is long over. On the other hand, this article may simultaneously excite newly married men (among others) who can’t wait to take their wedding
shackles bands off. And for those of you who aren’t sure how you’ll react, well…just read on and see which way you’ll sway.
1. Wrong size. If the ring is a very lose loose fit then the man’s probably going to loose lose the ring. If it’s a very tight fit then this would probably happen after a few months. Of course there’s usually the recommendation to re-size the ring…but seriously, who ever gets round to doing that after the wedding ceremony?
2. Discomfort. Apart from irritation (which may vary from just reaction to Nickel) it may just feel like extra weight (‘yeah right’ I hear the ladies say). For hands-on type of men it would be in the way if, for instance, you’re a gym instructor and you lift weights which result in blisters from the extra friction.
3. Carelessness. Some men take off their rings each time they’re taking a shower or participating in sports or doing the dishes. Such men may genuinely forget to put their rings back on (to the annoyance of their other better halves). Where such rings become missing, the men will buy a replacement…when hell freezes over.
4. Choice. Dear women, believe it or not but there are men out there who never took a liking to wearing any piece of jewelry whatsoever. Not every man is ‘down with the bling’. Conservative types tend to think it’s all a bit flashy. In some dodgy parts of the world an expensive-looking ring is an invitation to armed robbers (and if the ring is too tight when they apprehend you, this may happen).
5. Infidelity. Introducing the dreaded word no married woman wants to hear (and also the word most female readers scrolled down this article to find – as you can see, I didn’t disappoint 🙂 No woman wants to marry a player. But if a man is not happy in his marriage, bored, feeling inadequate, overly curious, finally getting a close encounter with this childhood crush…or worse still, he’s a sexaholic (here’s one site designed to help sex addicts achieve sobriety), then I think his wedding ring would be coming on and off more times than the lingerie of a high-end stripper (I’m just saying…).
Okay, okay, this is a scary topic for some but there’s no need for women to fear. Now you’ve got your checklist so hopefully there should be a lesser chance of any unpleasant surprises. And if you’re religious PRAY!
**Featured response from Kiwidutch:
“Married for 18 years and both Himself and I wear our rings full time and both like it that way.
I’ve had my wedding and engagement rings off five times: in hospital twice when in hospital having our kids, twice because of operations (taking them off is mandatory) and once both had to be cut off after an accident on holiday where my fingers bent right back and my fingers swelled up like sausages, the circulation to my finger was in danger and my finger was so huge it took them over an hour to cut it off. It was painful too.
When I was in hospital having the babies, and operations Himself kept my rings safe whilst he waited and after the accident one of the first things we did when we got home was to have both rings repaired so that I get them back on as soon as possible.
Himself is more comfortable with his on, it’s been off once during an operation and I wore it on a chain around my neck whilst he was in the operating theatre.
They are a symbol that we are together and since nothing on the list pertains to us, I see us both wearing our rings for a very very long time into the future 😀 ”
*My article was based on a mini survey I carried out with married and unmarried men*
Follow @dcrazynigerian for instant updates.
I wear my wedding ring less than my husband; he has to take his off for work everyday and manages to remember to put it back on; i however take a shower or wash up and forget about it for days…or maybe thats a sign that i need to wash myself and my dishes more often so it becomes a habit…oh dear lol
lol. Don’t be too hard on yourself – it’s easy to forget…like putting the toilet seat back down 😉
I wear mines all the time, 2 times I’ve lost it(yes, I’m talented) and soon replaced it. I expect my husband to wear it too. In general it’s not the ring what makes you married and committed to someone, it’s just a way to show others that you are. So if you don’t wear it, it means you don’t want to show it. I mean this in my case, my husband doesn’t have any of those things mentioned above, so I would get well pissed if he suddenly would stop wearing it.
“so I would get well pissed if he suddenly would stop wearing it.” – and so you should be. What possible reason would he possibly have for not wearing it now? a new policy at the office I wonder, lol. Thanks for the 3-in-1 – like, comment and follow 🙂
You are welcome 🙂
Haha. Funny article. Hubby doesn’t wear his wedding ring all the time,but so far (three and a half years later) he still hasn’t managed to lose it! I, on the other hand, am hella lazy so the wedding and engagement ring (matching set) stay on my fingers 100% of the time, even in the shower. Heck, I don’t know if I could even take them off if I tried, without the aid of some butter or vaseline!
Don’t bother taking it off (the ring I mean, lol) but set a good example which he’ll probably imitate later 🙂 Thanks for dropping by SQS!
Oh, and my name is Yvette Rydman – you can find me on FB – please add me as a friend!!! I would love to send you a “plane ticket” to help you out on wretched CC. lol. My photo is currently me with cropped pink hair (you saw the photos in my posts, I’m sure)
Phew! was dreading reading this article but relieved now, apart from number 5!! Anyway rings should be stitched to fingers, ultra-lasered in and super-glued, never to be removed muhahahahaha!
You forgot the most significant legitimate reason–safety. Jewelry like wedding bands can cause your finger to literally be ripped off by machinery. Many of the working men I know do not wear wedding bands to work. My husband thankfully doesn’t have a job that dangerous, but he does take his off when he is working on something that could snag.
You’re absolutely right about the safety concerns. It takes an understanding wife whose also not insecure to accept this valid reason. Thanks for the valid input Micki.
what if he was wearing it to his super dangerous job for six months…with no issue and now he decides not to wear it at all and to make matters worst it happens just in time for a new female hire?
That’s possible lol. Apologies for the overdue reply. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Rings don’t stop anyone from cheating. I forget to wear mine a lot cos I remove them due to cramps in my fingers. I do try to remember, hubby’s own is almost superglued to his hand.
lol @ superglued to his hand. That’s a role model for other husbands out there. Thanks Myne 🙂
My comment seems to have disappeared!! 🙁
Oh well! I’m not gonna type up another epistle…
Man no wear ring no good #dazzol 😛
Lol@dazzol. Nooooooo! I want to read your original comment 🙁
This made me smile. Thanks for sharing.
And I can always use a smile.
I’m so glad the article had a positive impact on you. Do drop by again. Cheers
Sometimes it’s the right size but the chap may feel it subconsciously tightening..
Reblogged this on Bring It On and commented:
Thanks a mil! I’m deeply honoured 🙂
you are welcome…love to read more of your post
Married for 18 years and both Himself and I wear our rings full time and both like it that way.
I’ve had my wedding and engagement rings off five times: in hospital twice when in hospital having our kids, twice because of operations (taking them off is mandatory) and once both had to be cut off after an accident on holiday where my fingers bent right back and my fingers swelled up like sausages, the circulation to my finger was in danger and my finger was so huge it took them over an hour to cut it off. It was painful too.
When I was in hospital having the babies, and operations Himself kept my rings safe whilst he waited and after the accident one of the first things we did when we got home was to have both rings repaired so that I get them back on as soon as possible.
Himself is more comfortable with his on, it’s been off once during an operation and I wore it on a chain around my neck whilst he was in the operating theatre.
They are a symbol that we are together and since nothing on the list pertains to us, I see us both wearing our rings for a very very long time into the future 🙂
KiwiD, I think this lovely response should be a post on its own. I was actually moved, especially the part about you wearing your partner’s ring on your necklace whilst undergoing surgery. As a matter of fact I’m editing this post to include this (with your anticipated approval) 🙂
No Problem Jollof 🙂
There are still men around who aren’t looking to stray and who take marriage seriously…, they are committed to their wives and families and for me as a wife it’s the same.
We are FAR from perfect. (We are real people with normal failings after all!)
Life gives us ups and downs and good times as well as bad but we are willing to work at our marriage and work is what it takes.
It means talking to each other,hugging each other and telling each other you love them, we do little things for each other , usually a little chore around the house or something that involves time and is worth more than something from the shops.
Your Valentine is your Valentine 365 days of the year after all, and not for just one day 🙂
My husband lost his ring shortly after we were married. He seemed devastated at the time, so I didn’t make a big deal out of it. He said he was going to replace it, but 8 months later no ring. I stopped wearing my ring because if he’s not going to wear one neither am I.
Thanks for your comment, Christina. He might just be a procrastinator and you probably have to lure him to a jeweler’s shop the next time you’re both out (you know where I’m heading). I assume he hasn’t confronted you about you not wearing your ring either. Worst case scenario (if you can afford it) is that you replace the ring yourself since you could get his ring size. All the best 🙂
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