Blackberries; Making it easier to ignore humans

I was looking forward to scoffing down a hot meal after a breathtaking gym session at my fitness club last night. I was greatly disappointed when I was told that the in-house restaurant was closed so I decided to go to Ikeja Shoprite Mall and try out the new hangout spot upstairs, which I think should have been called Blackberry Central.

Despite the crooning of the kamikaze karaoke crew all night, there was barely any acknowledgment from the uninterested guests – no clapping, no swaying from side to side, no nodding to the rhythm…except, of course, to the rhythm of the perpetual keypad tapping commonly associated with the receipt of a much awaited response on a blackberry chat. Was I the only one being forced to look at my wrist and table knife desperately whilst someone was ironically ‘killing me softly with his song’ (Note – that song should only be sung by women, period). Was I the only one seeing more flashing red lights than a laser eye surgeon? Maybe.

I ordered my healthy choice – spaghetti bolognese (I hope that’s how it’s spelt…too lazy to check Jamie Oliver’s website). When it eventually came, turns out it was able to feed three people. I had my work cut out for me so I raised up my sleeves, loosened my belt buckle a notch, and attempted to conquer the red spiral mountain. It was at that point I noticed two young men walk into the karaoke bar…restaurant… ‘karaokaurant’, and within minutes of finding a table to sit at, they both took out their blackberries and proceeded to ignore each other…pretty much for the same amount of time it took me to finish my Man v Food challenge (sorry Adam, I didn’t make it this time around). What’s so mesmerizing about having a silent conversation using your fingertips?

That’s the question I should have asked the last girl I took to the movies. She probably watched only the previews before the dreaded red light started flashing right into the corner of my eye. I practically told her off because that was down right rude (and it was a waste of my hard-earned money, fuel, and dating-time. The only flick she’ll be seeing with me is the one I would give her before walking away i.e. getting that dirt off my shoulder.

Are you one of those smart phone users whose ignoring people around subconsciously? Do you eat, drive or pee with your smartphone in your other hand? Is your smartphone taking over your social life? Do share…if you dare 😀 

Entry #57 – Have you sighted a U.B.O?

I was just thinking to myself, ‘I could be sitting next to a blogger and not even know it’. It could be someone sitting next to me in church. It could be a colleague in my office. It could be the driver in the car in front or behind me. It could be just about anybody. 

But what if there was some  way of identifying bloggers, maybe a customized wrist-band or something.

The positives are worth considering:

  1. You could become a socialite overnight. Some people still start up conversations with asking about whether or not the other person is on Facebook. Well, you could tell someone your blog address instead and kick-off from there.
  2. You don’t have to worry about giving out your personal phone number to a stranger or deliberately giving out a phony number in the first place. Just be sure to limit the amount of personal info you display on your blog.
  3. You could build up your fanbase through your outdoor interactions and even enjoy the benefits of word-of-mouth.
  4. Who knows if you will stumble upon your future life partner as a result of wearing your blog on your sleeve? You’d certainly enjoy the benefits of mouth-to-mouth 😉
  5. Bloggers would be better connected and able to have ‘reunions’ or ‘exclusive real-life blog parties’ and what about real-life awards…not just online awards with no clapping audience or interludes with performing artists. This is a possibilty in the near future but it has to start from somewhere.

This could unite bloggers all over the world. I dare to imagine how many blogs are out there in Blogosphere. Things are becoming so techy and isolated. I guess I want bloggers to be able to be seen outside in the real world and not just on-screen. After all, we are not UBOs (Unidentified Blogging Objects) we are human…aren’t we? (sigh)